Monday, June 16, 2008

Major Development (draft 1) pt 1, Jobs' Space

Just walking into the office...

All these sets of stairs to choose from...
View from the top. Where Jobs' desk will be.
The Summoner in Diablo II can be found here. I thought about this when building the elevated platform that is Jobs' office. Occulus. Room that can be used for meetings or presentations...

I've found that the hardest part of developing spaces is to have spaces to develop in the first place, and that it was a LOT of work (like... 3 days straight) to turn blocks built around the bridge into various levels that can we walked around in.

So anyways, here is my Steve Jobs space. It has a very high ceiling and only one storey (one and a half, really) high to show Jobs' rise to power as an almost solo effort (internal struggles etc, he was at one stage fired from his own company) and the fact that his company became successful by appealing to the individual consumer (iProduct).

As his clients seek him, they are greeted by a long, seemingly very structured hallway, but forced to pick between a variety of paths to get to him, and finally they are to reach him at his office at the end of the hall (hollowed bride). The variety of pathways, as well as a single general purpose room that can serve as either a conferance room or an exhibition/presentation room, represent Apple product's ability to perform multiple paths.

Jobs' office is a small platform high up off the ground, reached by helixed stairs wide enough only for one person. His power is further emphasized by a bright white light that illuminates the IT idol at the end of the hall. Visually, it is reminiscant of The Summoner's hideout in Diablo II, with two thin stairs leading to a floaing platform. Continuing with this theme, as some kind of wizard of the industry, I felt it appropriate that Mr Jobs had an occulus to look upon...

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