Friday, June 20, 2008

Draft 2 pictures!

Here are some images with more development of the space.

The first draft was to turn the blocks into accessable spaces, linking them with stairs. This one now is a functional space. As you can see, I've added some basic essentials, such as a railings along all of the stairs (so much easier said than done), as well as meeting the requirements of the brief for the space by placing my table and chairs in there, as well as my elevators (and making them move, obviously.)

Changes from the first draft included making the multi-purpose Steve Jobs room have a higher ceiling, and various lighting was brightened to better compliment the forms.

Overall, the bulk of the work was the railing, particularly the double-helix Jobs stairs. After several failed attempts at importing, i finally managed to get it to work, and to get them moving (space in file naming, as well as 61700 faces for my Zhang elevator)

Through this, I decided to simplify the Zhang elevator by a bit, removing doors and the perimeter thrust devices for ease of importing. It is nice to note taht it is not blindingly obvious that something is lacking, since doors in the space remain cavities that one can walk through.

Next step, detailing...

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